Author Index
An alphabetical listing of all authors who have contributed articles to the encyclopedia.
- Name Affiliation (at time of writing)
- Ruta M. Abolins University of Georgia
- Edna Acosta-Belen State University of New York, Albany
- Tiffany Boyd Adams University of Georgia
- Emma M. Adler Massie Heritage Center, Savannah
- Lawrence K. Akers University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
- James J. Alberts University of Georgia Marine Institute
- Edward Albin Fernbank Science Center
- Derek H. Alderman East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina
- Ann Allen Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia
- Lee M. Allen Valdosta State University
- Zachary Allen University of Georgia
- Derrick P. Alridge University of Georgia
- Andy Ambrose Atlanta History Center
- Jonathan Ambrose Georgia Department of Natural Resources
- Alan Anderson Sumter Historic Trust Inc.
- Ben Anderson University of Georgia
- David G. Anderson University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Gail C. Anderson Medical College of Georgia
- Nancy Briska Anderson Museum of Arts and Sciences
- Nancy Dixon Anderson Gordon College
- Carol M. Andrews Armstrong Atlantic State University
- Chanara Tynai Andrews University of Georgia
- Stephen Ward Angell King-Tisdell Cottage Foundation Inc., Florida A&M University
- Keith Anthony Emory University
- Edwin T. Arnold Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina
- Eli Arnold Oglethorpe University
- Jarrod Atchison Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
- Jonathan M. Atkins Berry College
- James E. Bagwell Georgia Southwestern State University
- Anne J. Bailey Georgia College and State University
- Fred Arthur Bailey Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas
- Hugh C. Bailey Valdosta State University
- Matthew Bailey Georgia College and State University
- Henry E. Barber College of Coastal Georgia
- Patricia Barefoot National Park Service, Fort Frederica National Monument
- Jennifer Barger Georgia State University
- James Barlament University of Georgia
- Mark R. Barnes National Park Service
- India Barnett University of Georgia
- Tracy L. Barnett University of Georgia
- Patrice Barnhill University of Georgia
- James J. Bason University of Georgia
- Jim Baughman Lawrenceville
- Mark K. Bauman Atlanta Metropolitan College
- Jeffrey W. Baxter Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
- Sara Baxter Georgia Council on Economic Education
- Ted Bazemore Clayton County Library System
- John P. Beasley University of Georgia
- Carolyn Floyd Beck McDonough
- E. M. Beck University of Georgia
- Kay Beck Georgia State University
- John Bell Carrollton
- Joy H. Bell Emory Eye Center
- Karen Bell Howard University
- Phillip Bellury Storyline Group
- Tracy Jean Benn Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
- Jean B. Bergmark Atlanta
- Joshua D. Bernstein University of Georgia
- Heather Berry Atlanta Ballet
- Stephen W. Berry University of Georgia
- Paula Lawton Bevington Bevington Advisors, LLC
- Valerie Beynon Bainbridge College
- R. Bruce Bickley Florida State University, Tallahassee
- James Bitler Ossabaw Island Foundation
- Robert W. Blythe National Park Service
- Frederick A. Bode Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
- Keith S. Bohannon University of West Georgia
- Birgit Bolton Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper
- F. N. Boney University of Georgia
- Abigail Boorstin University of Georgia
- Lindsay R. Boring J. W. Jones Ecological Research Center at Ichauway
- Bruce Borowsky University of Georgia
- Kamille Bostick University of Georgia
- Laura M. Botts Georgia State University
- Tyler Boulware West Virginia University
- Yvette Bowden Atlanta
- Jesse M. Bowen Georgia College and State University
- Rowe Bowen Georgia Department of Transportation
- Matt Bowers University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Paige Bowers Decatur
- Eric E. Bowne Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
- Kim Boykin Emory University
- Katherine Brackett West Virginia University
- James Brady New Georgia Encyclopedia
- Steve Brady University of Georgia
- William Harris Bragg Georgia College and State University
- Lawton E. Brantley University of Georgia
- Jessica Branton University of Georgia
- Stewart D. Bratcher Atlanta
- Rosemary Braxton Sacramento, California
- S. K. Brehe North Georgia College and State University
- Brian Brodrick Watkinsville
- F. Erik Brooks Georgia Southern University
- Paul G. Brower Atlanta
- Brian Brown Fitzgerald
- Caroline Brown Woodstock
- Melissa Brown Georgia College and State University
- R. Harold Brown University of Georgia
- Russell K. Brown Grovetown
- Tad Brown Watson-Brown Foundation, Inc.
- Annelle Winifred Brunson University of Georgia
- J. C. Bryant Mercer University
- Jonathan M. Bryant Georgia Southern University
- Scott E. Buchanan Columbus State University
- Mary Bullard South Dartmouth, Massachusetts
- Jarrett Burch Eastman
- Fay Stapleton Burnett Elberton
- Grace F. Burridge University of Georgia
- John A. Burrison Georgia State University
- Lisa Burton Darton State College
- Ronald E. Butchart University of Georgia
- Charles T. Butler Columbus Museum
- Mimi Jo Butler Tate
- Brendan J. Buttimer Mississippi State University
- Ron Byrnside Agnes Scott College
- John H. Cable Florida State University
- Brad Cahoon Georgia Center for Continuing Education
- Mary L. Cahoon University of Georgia
- Lee Ann Caldwell Center for the Study of Georgia History
- Wilber W. Caldwell Atlanta
- Margaret Obear Calhoon Georgia Power Company
- Ashley Callahan Athens
- Witt Callaway Georgia State University
- John Campbell University of Georgia
- W. Michael Camp University of West Georgia
- Brittany Cantrell University of Georgia
- Joanna Soto Carabello Athens
- Juan Cardoza-Oquendo University of Georgia
- Anthony Gene Carey Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
- Jacqueline Miller Carmichael Georgia State University
- Nicole Carmolingo Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History
- Cathy Carpenter Georgia Institute of Technology
- Brian Carr Primerica
- Carolyn Cary Fayetteville
- Sarah H. Case Santa Barbara, California
- Edward J. Cashin Augusta State University
- Caroline Cason University of Georgia
- David Cason University of North Dakota
- Pratt W. Cassity University of Georgia
- Steven B. Castleberry University of Georgia
- Casey P. Cater Georgia State University
- Raymond L. Chambers Bainbridge College
- Andrew S. Chancey Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
- Monica Y. Chan University of Georgia
- David A. Chapman Commerce
- Ronna Charles United Parcel Service
- Courtney E. Chartier Atlanta University Center
- Michael D. Chason Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
- Deborah Chasteen Athens
- Wesley Chenault Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond
- Eric Chen University of Georgia
- Johnny Cheng University of Georgia
- Dan Childs Georgia Civil War Commission
- Ann Short Chirhart Indiana State University
- Lisa Choi University of Georgia
- Timothy Chowns University of West Georgia
- Albert Churella Southern Polytechnic State University
- Louise Keith Claussen Morris Museum of Art
- Mae Miller Claxton Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina
- Bruce Clayton Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania
- Walter A. Clayton Live Oak Public Library, Savannah
- Bobbi Cleveland Tull Charitable Foundation
- Jean Cleveland University of Georgia Libraries
- Penny D. Cliff Thomaston-Upson Archives
- Catherine Clinton The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina
- Richard Cloues Department of Natural Resources
- Earle D. Clowney Clark Atlanta University
- James C. Cobb University of Georgia
- Peter A. Coclanis University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Dan T. Coenen University of Georgia
- Carmon Colangelo Lamar Dodd School of Art
- David C. Coleman University of Georgia
- Gregory D. Coleman Big Bethel AME Church, Atlanta
- Levi Collins University of Georgia
- Britney Compton Savannah
- Deanna Congileo The Carter Center
- David Connolly Rice University, Houston, Texas
- James F. Cook Floyd College
- Elizabeth B. Cooksey Savannah
- Thomas Cooksey Armstrong Atlantic State University
- Tom Cooney Naval Air Station Atlanta
- Claudia Copeland Dawson
- Susan Copeland Clayton State University
- Stephen D. Corey The Georgia Review
- Lesa Carnes Corrigan University of West Alabama, Livingston
- James R. Cothran Robert and Company, Atlanta
- Maxwell Taylor Courson Valrico, Florida
- David L. Cowan Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
- Martha Craft Rollins, Inc.
- Betty Jean Craige University of Georgia
- Robert M. Craig Georgia Institute of Technology
- Perry Craine University of Georgia
- David Crass Department of Natural Resources
- Tom Crawford Capitol Impact
- Megan Crawley University of Georgia
- Marilee Creelan Medical College of Georgia
- Holly Crenshaw Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- John G. Crowley Valdosta State University
- Jonathan Croy University of Georgia
- Joseph B. Cumming Carrollton
- Jeanne Cyriaque Historic Preservation Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources
- James J. D’Angelo The Fort Daniel Foundation, Inc.
- Gail A. D’Avino Georgia Department of Transportation
- Lennet Daigle San Diego, California
- Wayne W. Daniel Chamblee
- Kristy Darby Athens
- Matthew Darby University of Georgia
- Tim Darnell Atlanta
- Diane L. Davies University of Georgia
- Aimee E. Davis Synovus
- Christina L. Davis University of Georgia
- Deborah S. Davis Valdosta State University
- Donald Edward Davis Dalton State College
- Leroy Davis Emory University
- Matthew Davis Georgia College and State University
- Pablo J. Davis Lausanne Collegiate School, Memphis, Tennessee
- Ren Davis Atlanta
- Robert Scott Davis Wallace State College, Hanceville, Alabama
- Sarah Grace Davis Athens
- Stephen Davis Marietta
- Dean Rusk Center Staff Dean Rusk Center for International Law and Policy
- Stan Deaton Georgia Historical Society
- Thomas M. Deaton Dalton State College
- Harry H. DeLorme Telfair Museum of Art
- Larry B. Dendy University of Georgia
- Herbert W. Denmark Georgia Poetry Society
- John K. Derden East Georgia College
- Francis Desiderio Decatur
- David E. DesJardines University of Georgia Press
- Sheila Devaney University of Georgia
- Stephanie Devine New Georgia Encyclopedia
- Claudia Head Deviney Historic Preservation Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.
- Louis DeVorsey University of Georgia
- Carlos Dews Columbus State University
- Beryl I. Diamond Georgia State University
- Laura Diaz New Georgia Encyclopedia
- Ouida W. Dickey Berry College
- Michael F. Digby Georgia College and State University
- Caroline Matheny Dillman Menlo Park, California
- Leonard Dinnerstein University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
- Andy Ditzler Atlanta
- Al Dixon Athens
- Allison Germaneso Dixon Michael C. Carlos Museum
- Chris Dobbs New Georgia Encyclopedia
- Ced Dolder Ray and Associates
- Craig Dominey Georgia Department of Economic Development
- Stephen C. Dorner University of Georgia
- Edmund L. Drago College of Charleston, South Carolina
- Walt Drake Decatur
- Anna Drewry University of Georgia
- Traci Drummond Georgia State University
- Dan Du University of Georgia
- Mack S. Duncan J.M. Huber Corporation
- Russell Duncan University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- David A. Dundee Fernbank Science Center
- Tina Dunkley Clark Atlanta University Art Galleries
- Mark Dunn Fort Eisenhower
- Candice Dyer Cleveland
- Carol Ebel Armstrong Atlantic State University
- Wallace B. Eberhard University of Georgia
- Christine Edell University of Georgia
- Jessica C. Edens Georgia State University
- John T. Edge Southern Foodways Alliance, University of Mississippi, Oxford
- NGE Staff Editors New Georgia Encyclopedia
- Grace Toney Edwards Radford University, Radford, Virginia
- Leslie Edwards Atlanta
- Marla Edwards Georgia Institute of Technology
- William U. Eiland Georgia Museum of Art
- Angela Esco Elder University of Georgia
- Joe T. Elkins Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio
- Ashton Ellett University of Georgia
- Daniel T. Elliott Lamar Institute, Watkinsville
- Charles J. Elmore Savannah State University
- E. Lee Eltzroth Georgia State University
- Lane O. Ely University of Georgia
- Martin I. Elzy Jimmy Carter Library and Museum, National Archives and Records Administration
- Mary Ella Engel Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina
- Carrie England Atlanta
- Marianne C. English University of Georgia
- Lisa A. Ennis Georgia College and State University
- Glenn T. Eskew Georgia State University
- Kimberly K. Estep Tusculum College, Greeneville, Tennessee
- Elizabeth W. Etheridge Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia
- Robbie Ethridge University of Mississippi, Oxford
- Laurence W. Etling Valdosta State University
- David M. Fahey Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- John D. Fair Georgia College and State University
- Leigh Ann Falconer Thomasville
- Robin Fay University of Georgia Libraries
- Jane Feiler Savannah
- Kenneth R. Fenster Georgia State University Perimeter College
- Brian C. Ferguson-Avery Georgia Southwestern State University
- Abbott L. Ferriss Atlanta
- David Fillingim Shorter College
- Cameron Fincher University of Georgia
- Matthew L. Fincher University of Georgia
- Gary M. Fink Georgia State University
- Mark R. Finlay Armstrong Atlantic State University
- Gina Finocchiaro Clayton State University
- E. Lorene Flanders Georgia College and State University
- William P. Flatt University of Georgia
- Christopher J. Floyd Georgia College and State University
- Aaron Spencer Fogleman University of South Alabama, Mobile
- Kayla Foley New Georgia Encyclopedia
- Pia M. Forbes Communities in Schools of Georgia
- Estelle Ford-Williamson Clayton State University
- Sam Fore Harlan Crow Library, Dallas, Texas
- Lee W. Formwalt Organization of American Historians
- Betty Alice Fowler Georgia Museum of Art
- John D. Fowler Dalton State College
- Jaimie L. Franchi University of Georgia
- Christa S. Frangiamore University of Georgia Press
- Andrew K. Frank Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton
- Lisa Tendrich Frank Tallahassee, Florida
- Valerie Frazier College of Charleston and The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina
- William J. Frazier Columbus State University
- Greg Freeman Southern Edition
- Thomas L. French Columbus
- Susan H. Frost Emory University
- Richard D. Funderburke Atlanta
- Fred C. Fussell Buena Vista
- Janet Gabler-Hover Georgia State University
- Michael J. Gagnon Georgia Gwinnett College
- Paula Johnson Gagnon Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center
- Tammy H. Galloway Smyrna
- Michael E. Gamble Georgia Institute of Technology
- Christine Laporte Gardiner University of Georgia
- Robert G. Gardner Mercer University
- Sarah E. Gardner Mercer University
- Tim Alan Garrison Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
- John Garst University of Georgia
- Frederick B. Gates Southwestern Oklahoma State University
- H. Michael Gelfand James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia
- Kelly S. Gerald Arlington, Virginia
- Will R. Getz Fort Valley State University
- Whit Gibbons Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
- August W. Giebelhaus Georgia Institute of Technology
- James C. Giesen Mississippi State University
- Esther K. Giezendanner University of Georgia
- Jim Gigantino University of Georgia
- Michele Gillespie Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
- Charles William Ginn University of Georgia
- Andy Gist Navy Supply Corps School, Athens
- Shawn M. Glynn University of Georgia
- Marley Goldin University of Georgia
- Camille Goldmon Emory University
- Frank B. Golley University of Georgia
- Peter Gordon Environmental Education Alliance of Georgia
- Sarah Gordon Georgia College and State University
- Stephanie L. Gordon Auburn University
- Pamela J. W. Gore Georgia State University Perimeter College
- Chris Grant Mercer University
- Patrick Gray Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee
- Joseph D. Greene Augusta State University
- Darren Grem University of Georgia
- Jesse Griffin University of Georgia
- Joy Griffin Georgia College and State University
- Carole Griffith Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division
- R. Kevin Grigsby Georgia Health Sciences University
- Reagan L. Grimsley Columbus State University
- W. Todd Groce Georgia Historical Society
- Dave R. Gupta University of Georgia
- Steve Gurr Gainesville
- John Haag University of Georgia
- Pam Hackbart-Dean Southern Illinois University
- Sally E. Hadden Florida State University, Tallahassee
- Brad Haire University of Georgia
- Linda Hall National Park Service, Southeast Region
- David J. Hally University of Georgia
- Robert W. Hamblin Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau
- Matthew D. Hammond University of Georgia
- Thomas Hanley Columbus State University
- Grace Hardwick Clayton State University
- Paul T. Hardy University of Georgia
- Elizabeth Hargrett University of California, Berkeley
- Tasha Hargrove Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama
- Hugh T. Harrington Georgia College and State University
- Susan J. Harrington Macon State College
- Edward L. Harris University of Georgia
- Linda Harris Decatur
- Lucille M. Harvey Monticello
- Steve Harvey Young Harris College
- Edward A. Hatfield University of Georgia
- John Hayes Augusta University
- William P. Head United States Air Force
- Jan Hebbard University of Georgia Libraries
- Anna Hejl University of Georgia
- Frances Helm Georgia State University
- Lyn Hemmingway University of Georgia
- Alexa Benson Henderson Clark Atlanta University
- Harold Paulk Henderson Abraham Baldwin College
- Vernon J. Henry Applied Coastal Research Laboratory, Skidaway Island
- Tevi Taliaferro Henson Atlanta
- Jonathan D. Hepworth University of Georgia
- Gary Heusner University of Georgia
- John T. Hiers Aucilla Pines, LLC
- Matthew Hild Georgia Institute of Technology
- Clancey Hill University of Georgia
- Ian Hill University of Georgia
- John Paul Hill University of Georgia
- LaVerne W. Hill Piedmont College
- Melvin B. Hill University of Georgia
- Thomas D. Hills Atlanta
- Perry Hiott Georgia Municipal Association
- Jack Holbrook Webster County Commissioner
- Jennifer L. Holcombe Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation
- Justin S. Holcomb Emory University
- Irene V. Holliman University of Georgia
- Brenda Hollingsworth Washington County
- Anna R. Holloway Fort Valley State University
- Robert A. Holmes Clark Atlanta University
- Jacqueline Holness Riverdale
- Frances Jane Holsey San Antonio, Texas
- Collie Holt University of Georgia
- James E. Hook University of Georgia
- DeLise Hopson Atlanta Metropolitan State College
- Kylie A. Horney University of Georgia
- Laurel Horton Kalmia Research
- Myron Wade House University of West Georgia
- Richard Houston University of Georgia
- Catherine M. Howett University of Georgia
- John Howett Emory University
- Bernie Howitt Narara Valley High School, New South Wales, Australia
- Patrick Huber University of Missouri, Rolla
- John-Michael Huddleston University of Georgia
- Betty J. Hudson Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia
- Paul Stephen Hudson Georgia State University Perimeter College
- Timothy S. Huebner Rhodes College
- Christopher Allen Huff University of Georgia
- W. A. Kelly Huff University of Georgia
- Stephen Huggins University of Georgia
- Lain Hughes University of Georgia
- Sandra S. Hughes University of Georgia
- Matthew C. Hulbert University of Georgia
- Keith Hulett University of Georgia Libraries
- John Hunter Jekyll Island Authority
- James L. Hunt Mercer University
- Robert Latimer Hurst Waycross
- Julia Huskey Mercer University
- John A. Hutcheson Dalton State College
- Jun Suk Hyun University of Georgia
- John C. Inscoe University of Georgia
- Alan Jackson Georgia State University Perimeter College
- Edwin L. Jackson University of Georgia
- Haley E. Jackson University of Georgia
- Marilyn T. Jackson Atlanta University Center
- Hal Jacobs Decatur
- Dale M. Jaeger Gainesville
- Kenneth R. Janken University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Alysia Renee Jarrette University of Georgia
- Eric Jarvis King’s College, London, Ontario, Canada
- John Jensen Georgia Department of Natural Resources
- Charles J. Johnson Savannah
- Edward A. Johnson Georgia HomePLACE
- Forrest Clark Johnson Troup County
- Joseph R. Johnson Georgia Music Hall of Fame
- Loch K. Johnson University of Georgia
- Mary Ellen Johnson Pickens Public Library
- Michele Nicole Johnson Coastal Pines Technical College
- Pattie Johnson Foundation Center
- Paul D. Johnson Southeast Aquatic Research Institute
- Tareva Leselle Johnson University of Georgia
- Thomas S. Johnson Texas A and M University at Galveston
- Barry W. Jones University of Georgia
- Beverly Jones Georgia State University
- Beverly Jones Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
- Ethelene Dyer Jones Milledgeville
- Gordon L. Jones Atlanta History Center
- Nick Jones Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
- William Brent Jones University of Virginia, Charlottesville
- Alexander M. Jordan University of Georgia
- Michael L. Jordan Cosmos Mariner Productions
- Michael M. Jordan Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan
- J. W. Joseph New South Associates
- Mauriel P. Joslyn Sparta
- George Justice University of Georgia
- Susan A. Kahrs University of Georgia
- William M. Kallfelz University of Maryland, College Park
- Andrew M. Kaye University of Durham, United Kingdom
- Martha L. Keber Georgia College and State University
- Brad E. Kelle Emory University
- William Terry Kelley University of Georgia
- George L. Kelly Atlanta
- Bill Kelson University of Georgia
- Kathryn W. Kemp Clayton College and State University
- Jackie Kennedy LaGrange
- W. Benjamin Kennedy University of West Georgia
- Gary Kerley Bermuda Run, North Carolina
- Donald D. Keyes Marietta/Cobb Museum of Art
- Jessica Lauren Keys Central Atlanta Progress
- Leslie Kimel Georgia Wildlife Federation
- Adam King University of South Carolina, Columbia
- Monroe Martin King Douglasville
- John A. Kirk Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
- W. Michael Kirkland Bainbridge College
- L. Katherine Kirkman Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center
- John L. Kissinger College of Coastal Georgia
- Karen Towers Klacsmann Morris Museum of Art
- Jennie Sykes Knight Emory University
- Lydia F. Knight Dalton State College
- Mary Levin Koch Lexington, Massachusetts
- Mary Downing Koon New Georgia Encyclopedia
- Holly Korschun Emory University
- Sherry C. Korthase Reinhardt College
- Gerard Krewer University of Georgia
- Kara Krewer University of Georgia
- Amanda J. Kroll Quinlan Visual Arts Center
- Clifford Kuhn Georgia State University
- Ashwini Kulkarni University of Georgia
- Rachel Kumar University of Georgia
- James E. Kundell Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia
- Peter A. Kuryla Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
- Jared William LaCroix University of Georgia
- Richard Curtis Lacy University of Georgia
- George R. Lamplugh The Westminster Schools, Atlanta
- James B. Langford The Coosawattee Foundation
- E. R. Lanier Georgia State University
- Lewis Larson University of West Georgia
- Marilyn Lary North Georgia College and State University
- Timothy E. LaTour Georgia State University
- Marilyn Laufer Auburn University, Alabama
- Lucy Lawliss Washington, D.C.
- Ariell Lawrence University of Georgia
- John Lawrence LaGrange College
- Mary Sterner Lawson Albany State University
- Shawn Lay Coker College, Hartsville, South Carolina
- R. Jerald Ledbetter Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc.
- Cathy Lee Grady Health System
- R. Dewey Lee University of Georgia
- Kent Anderson Leslie Decatur
- Valerie D. Levy University of Georgia
- A. J. Lewis State Botanical Garden of Georgia
- Catherine M. Lewis Atlanta History Center
- Willard C. Lewis Citizens Trust Bank
- Alex Lichtenstein Rice University, Houston, Texas
- B. K. Lilja Fort Valley State University
- Catherine G. Lind University of Georgia
- Curtis G. Lindquist Reinhardt College
- Gardner Linn Calhoun
- Gregory C. Lisby Georgia State University
- Kim Littleton Georgia Museum of Agriculture and Historic Village
- Craig Lloyd Columbus State University
- Frank K. Lochner Fort Valley State University
- Timothy J. Lockley University of Warwick, United Kingdom
- Gretchen Loeffler University of Georgia
- Steve Longcrier Evans
- John Long Georgia Radio Hall of Fame
- James J. Lorence Gainesville State College
- Stephen R. Lowe Olivet Nazarene University, Bourbonnais, Illinois
- Greg Loyd Waycross College
- W. Ray Luce Marietta
- Robert E. Luckett University of Georgia
- Thomas N. Lumsden Lee Arrendale State Prison
- John S. Lupold Columbus
- John Joseph Lyles Phenix City, Alabama
- Elizabeth A. Lyon Flowery Branch
- Alex Macaulay Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina
- John Dalton Macdonald University of Georgia
- M. Leslie Madden Georgia Institute of Technology
- Bill Maddox Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education
- Tahirah Mahan St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Ann Mahefkey Brenau University
- Virenda B. Mahesh Georgia Health Sciences University
- Joy Hughes Mallard Atlanta
- Matthew J. Mancini St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri
- Christopher John Manganiello University of Georgia
- Isabel Mann University of Georgia
- Paul Andrew Manoguerra Georgia Museum of Art
- Jason Manthorne University of Georgia
- Patricia Marks Valdosta State University
- Anne E. Marshall University of Georgia
- Ben Marsh University of Stirling, Scotland
- Brent Martin Georgia Forest Watch
- Nick Martin University of Georgia
- Sandy Dwayne Martin University of Georgia
- Doyle Mathis Berry College
- Duncan Maysilles University of Georgia
- Louis Mazzari Fatih Universitesi, Turkey
- Ben McAbee University of Georgia
- Hubert H. McAlexander University of Georgia
- Andrew B. McCallister University of Georgia
- Laura McCarty Georgia Humanities
- Barbara McCaskill University of Georgia
- Rowena McClinton Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
- Kathryn McClymond Georgia State University
- Hollis Koons McCullough Telfair Museums
- Shirley Black McDonald Cleveland
- Susan Potts McDonald Emory University
- Michael H. McDougald Rome
- Robin John McDowell Georgia Department of Natural Resources
- Jessica McGahee University of Georgia
- David H. McGee Central Virginia Community College, Lynchburg
- J. Lummis McGinnis Atlanta
- Katherine H. McGlamry University of Georgia
- Jerrilyn McGregory Florida State University
- Samuel B. McGuire University of Georgia
- Thomas L. McHaney Georgia State University
- Joe McKaughan Griffin
- Sarah E. McKee New Georgia Encyclopedia
- Erin R. McLeod Athens
- John McLeod University of Georgia Press
- Adrienn Mendonca Mendonca Consulting
- Scott A. Merkle University of Georgia
- Denise S. Mewborn University of Georgia
- Judith L. Meyer University of Georgia
- J. Michael Meyers USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, University of Georgia
- Matthew L. Miller Emory University
- Whitney Miller Atlanta
- Frederick V. Mills LaGrange College
- La Shonda Mims University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Kaye Lanning Minchew Troup County Archives
- Lynn Minor Valdosta State University
- A. Binford Minter University of Georgia
- Lora Pond Mirza Georgia State University Perimeter College
- Nicole Mitchell Georgia College and State University
- Gregory Mixon University of North Carolina, Charlotte
- Wayne Mixon Augusta State University
- Steven H. Moffson Historic Preservation Division, Department of Natural Resources
- Clarence L. Mohr University of South Alabama
- David Monetti Valdosta State University
- Erick D. Montgomery Historic Augusta, Inc.
- Wynn Montgomery Atlanta
- Joseph C. Moon Emory University
- Joseph C. Moore Danielsville
- Joseph H. H. Moore Hampton
- Molly Moreland University of Georgia
- Chad Morgan University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Linda Morgan Calhoun County Library
- Janice Morrill Atlanta
- Michael P. Morris Dalton State College
- Mark Morrison Douglasville
- Patricia Morris Coastal Georgia Historical Society
- Susan D. Morris University of Georgia Libraries
- Clay Morton Middle Georgia State University
- William J. Morton Atlanta
- J. Todd Moye National Park Service
- Matthew M. Moye Lumpkin
- Pamela Bauer Mueller St. Simons Island
- James K. Murphy University of West Georgia
- K. Denise Muth University of Georgia
- Barton Myers Texas Tech University, Lubbock
- Margaret Myszewski Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia
- Amanda Nash University of Georgia
- Steven Nash University of Georgia
- Kathryn L. Nasstrom University of San Francisco, California
- Beth A. Nathan League of Women Voters of Georgia
- Gary D. Nelson Healthcare Georgia Foundation
- Megan Kate Nelson Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Hans N. Neuhauser Georgia Environmental Policy Institute
- Harvey K. Newman Georgia State University
- Lloyd Nick Oglethorpe University Museum of Art
- Kristin A. Nielsen University of Georgia Libraries
- Hugh O. Nourse Georgia Botanical Society
- Elsa A. Nystrom Kennesaw State University
- Justin Nystrom University of Georgia
- Don O’Briant Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- Susan E. O’Donovan University of Memphis, Tennessee
- Michael O’Dwyer National University of Ireland, Maynooth
- Matthew O’Neal University of Mississippi
- Lisa D. O’Steen New South Associates, Inc.
- Cheryl Oestreicher Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History
- Catherine Oglesby Valdosta State University
- Tore C. Olsson University of Georgia
- Sharon Omahen University of Georgia
- E. Wycliffe Orr Gainesville
- N. Lee Orr Georgia State University
- Kyle Osborn University of Georgia
- Clay Ouzts Gainesville College
- Jennifer Owen Agnes Scott College
- Joanne M. Owens Calhoun
- Sue Ellen Owens DeKalb Historical Society
- Martin Padgett Pensacola Beach, FL
- Carmine D. Palumbo Middle Georgia College
- Mary Frances Panettiere Georgia Institute of Technology
- Nancy Paris Georgia Cancer Coalition
- Amanda K. Parker University of Georgia
- Chantal Parker Cartersville
- David B. Parker Kennesaw State University
- Christina C. Parkhurst University of Georgia
- Craig S. Pascoe Georgia College and State University
- Jamie Patel University of Georgia
- Radha Patel University of Georgia
- Timothy W. Patridge Morris Brown College
- Randall L. Patton Kennesaw State University
- Peter M. Paulsen Candler School of Theology
- Tinaz Pavri Spelman College
- David H. Payne University of Georgia
- Lucretia Payton-Stewart Georgia State University
- Renee Pearman Macon State College
- Virginia T. Peebles Historic Columbus Foundation
- Chase L. Peeples Emory University
- David Peeples South Georgia Regional Library
- William Alexander Percy University of Georgia
- Jessica Perkins University of Georgia
- Chuck Perry Atlanta
- Andy Peters Macon Telegraph
- Lynn Peterson St. Joseph’s Hospital
- Charlotte Pfeiffer Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
- Patricia Phagan Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York
- Lela Phillips Andrew College
- Mary Laura Philpott American Cancer Society
- Carey Pickard Tubman African American Museum
- Carol Pierannunzi Kennesaw State University
- Ann T. Pierce Epworth by the Sea
- Dan Pierce University of North Carolina at Asheville
- J. Matthew Pinson Free Will Baptist Bible College, Nashville, Tennessee
- Sara Pirkle University of Alabama
- Karan B. Pittman Andrew College
- Thomas J. Pluckhahn University of South Florida, Tampa
- Adelaide W. Ponder Madison
- Jocelyn Poole Georgia Southern University
- Judith Potwora Marietta
- Charles Pou UGA Libraries
- Anna Powell Museum of Arts and Sciences
- Timothy B. Powell University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
- Robert A. Pratt University of Georgia
- Delma E. Presley Georgia Southern University
- Paul M. Pressly The Savannah Country Day School
- Sam Prestridge Gainesville State College
- David Price Piedmont College
- Michael E. Price Armstrong Atlantic State University
- Amy R. Pritchett Georgia Institute of Technology
- William H. Pruden Ravenscroft School, Raleigh, North Carolina
- Susan Pruett Georgia Municipal Association
- Dorothy M. Pryor Decatur
- Ann Ellis Pullen Kennesaw State University
- George Pullen Rome
- Angela F. Pulley Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
- Douglas Clare Purcell Historic Chattahoochee Commission
- Kim Purcell Georgia Center for the Book
- Beth Pye Gordon College
- David Rachels Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia
- Lurma Rackley CARE
- L. Bruce Railsback University of Georgia
- Lynda R. Ramage Eatonton
- Daina L. Ramey Michigan State University, East Lansing
- Bonnie N. Ramsey Georgia Museum of Art
- William L. Ramsey Tulane University
- Todd C. Rasmussen University of Georgia
- Mac V. Rawson University of Georgia
- Bamby Ray Ray and Associates
- James K. Reap University of Georgia
- Germaine M. Reed Atlanta
- Marci B. Reed Southface Energy Institute
- Merl Reed Georgia State University
- Krista Reese Decatur
- Lewis Regenstein Atlanta
- R. L. Reid Athens Academy
- Andrew J. Reisinger Georgia State University
- Beth Reiter Chatham County-Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission
- Elizabeth J. Reitz Georgia Museum of Natural History, University of Georgia
- Nancy Lawson Remler Armstrong Atlantic State University
- Paul Renfro Florida State University
- Gregory J. Renoff Drury University, Springfield, Missouri
- W. Michael Reynolds Brockington and Associates, Inc.
- Don Rhodes Morris Communications
- Bradley R. Rice Clayton State University
- Leah Richier University of Georgia
- Edith Holbrook Riehm Georgia State University
- John Rieken Georgia State University
- Michele Ritan Decatur
- Jennifer Roady University of Georgia
- Anna Roberts University of Georgia
- Peter J. Roberts Georgia State University
- Phillip M. Roberts University of Georgia
- Scott L. Roberts Dacula
- William Pittman Roberts Gainesville
- Kathleen Robichaud Georgia Research Alliance
- Glenn M. Robins Georgia Southwestern State University
- Selena Robinson University of Georgia
- Alan D. Robison Georgia Sports Hall of Fame
- Janet Rodekohr University of Georgia
- Michael F. Roden University of Georgia
- Ellen H. Rogers Sea Island Company
- William Warren Rogers Florida State University
- Katherine E. Rohrer University of Georgia
- Mary G. Rolinson Georgia State University Perimeter College
- Scott Romine University of North Carolina, Greensboro
- Donald R. Rooney Atlanta History Center
- Art Rosenbaum University of Georgia
- Angie Rosete New Georgia Encyclopedia
- Rebecca Roulo University of Georgia
- Emma Rountree University of Georgia
- Sharon Clontz Rowe South Georgia Regional Library
- John Rozier Emory University
- Gene Ruffin Gwinnett University Center
- Jack Runninger Rome
- Shane A. Runyon University of Florida
- Hugh Ruppersburg University of Georgia
- S. Kittrell Rushing University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
- Jim Rush Epworth by the Sea
- Sally Russell Breslau, Ontario, Canada
- Tony Russell Old Time Music Journal
- Carole Rutland Columbus State University
- Natalie D. Saba Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
- Aaron M. Safane University of Georgia
- Franklin C. Sammons University of Georgia
- Alice V. Sampson North Georgia College and State University
- Corina Sanchez New Georgia Encyclopedia
- Sigrid Sanders Watkinsville
- Michael Sandiford University of Georgia
- Kenneth E. Sassaman University of Florida, Gainesville
- Cheryl Sauls Winder
- Martha Ann Saunders League of Women Voters of Georgia
- Claudio Saunt University of Georgia
- Karon Schindler Emory University
- Cindy Schmid University of Georgia
- Aimee Schmidt Atlanta
- J. P. Schmidt University of Georgia
- Jim Schmidt Atlanta
- LeAnna Biles Schooley Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas
- Glenna R. Schroeder-Lein Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, Springfield, Illinois
- Paul A. Schroeder University of Georgia
- David R. Schwimmer Columbus State University
- Thomas A. Scott Kennesaw State University
- Charles Seabrook Decatur
- June Akers Seese Atlanta
- Sidonia Serafini University of Georgia
- Paula G. Shakelton Emory University
- Meenu Sharma University of Georgia
- Leslie N. Sharp Georgia Institute of Technology College of Architecture
- Barton C. Shaw Cedar Crest College, Allentown, Pennsylvania
- Brian Shaw Atlanta
- Alison F. Sheffield Middle Georgia College
- Carey O. Shellman University of Florida, Gainesville
- Michelle-Taylor Sherwin University of Georgia
- John A. Shiffert Clayton State University
- Herbert Shippey Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
- Judith A. Shippey Hinesville
- David R. Shock Kennesaw State University
- Garrett W. Silliman Atlanta
- Jennifer Simon Atlanta
- Rob Simpson University of Georgia
- Anastatia Sims Georgia Southern University
- Lance M. Skelly Emory Healthcare
- Terry Sloope Kennesaw State University
- Betty A. Smith Kennesaw State University
- Bruce Smith National Civil War Naval Museum
- Caitlin Smith University of Georgia
- Ernest Smith University of Central Florida
- Gerald J. Smith Evans
- Gerald Judson Smith Crawfordville
- Gordon Burns Smith Savannah
- John David Smith North Carolina State University, Raleigh
- Margaret D. Smith Bainbridge College
- Marvin T. Smith Valdosta State University
- Michael H. Smith Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
- W. Calvin Smith University of South Carolina, Aiken
- Joel M. Sneed National Speleological Society
- Malinda Snow Georgia State University
- Eric Solomon University of Mississippi
- Laurie Kay Sommers Valdosta State University
- Randy Southerland Acworth
- Suzanne Sowinska Seattle, Washington
- Dot Sparer University of Georgia
- Rachel A. Spencer University of Georgia
- Taronda Spencer Spelman College
- M. Blair Spiva University of Georgia
- Ted R. Spivey Atlanta
- Luciana M. Spracher Bricks and Bones Historical Research
- Gary Sprayberry Columbus State University
- Lorraine Nelson Spritzer Tempe, Arizona
- Mary E. Stakes Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia
- Patricia Stallings Winder
- J. Lee Stanley Lee County Board of Tax Assessors
- Chris Starrs Athens
- William W. Starr Georgia Center for the Book
- William J. Steele Army National Guard
- Mel Steely University of West Georgia
- Karl T. Steinen University of West Georgia
- Robert Steller Kings Bay Submarine Base
- Sara Stephano University of Georgia
- Lester D. Stephens University of Georgia
- Michael Stevens Charlotte, North Carolina
- Bruce E. Stewart University of Georgia
- Mart A. Stewart Western Washington University, Bellingham
- Melissa Stock University of West Georgia
- Janet D. Stone Armstrong State University
- Kaylee Mercer Stone University of Georgia
- Steve Storey Georgia Department of Community Affairs
- Michael A. Strickland Moultrie
- Buddy Sullivan Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve
- Paige Sullivan Atlanta
- Donnie Summerlin University of Georgia Libraries
- Althea Sumpter Georgia Institute of Technology
- Erwin Surrency University of Georgia
- Alan Sverdlik Cleveland
- Julie Anne Sweet Baylor University, Waco, Texas
- John Swiderski Georgia Ornithological Society
- Jason Tabereaux Junior Achievement of Georgia
- Helen Talley-McRae Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division
- Benjamin B. Tate Macon State College
- Jean Tate Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- Alice Taylor-Colbert Shorter University
- Joan H. Taylor Clayton State University
- Kathryn C. Taylor University of Georgia
- Leonard Ray Teel Georgia State University
- Miriam Terry Macon
- Sarah Thakkar University of Georgia
- Bindu Tharian Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Cindy S. Theiler Georgia Power Foundation
- Laura Theobald University of Georgia
- David Hurst Thomas American Museum of Natural History
- Frances Taliaferro Thomas Athens
- Jane Thomas Greensboro, North Carolina
- Kenneth H. Thomas Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division
- Kenneth H. Thomas Decatur
- Paul A. Thomas University of Georgia
- Joseph M. Thompson Mississippi State University
- Molly Thompson Roswell
- Scott B. Thompson Laurens County Historical Society
- Victor Thompson University of West Florida, Pensacola
- Thomas Thurman
- Matthew Tieslau University of Georgia
- William Andrew Todd Canton
- Stewart E. Tolnay University of Washington, Seattle
- Joseph A. Tomberlin Valdosta State University
- Vanessa P. Tome University of Georgia
- Derek Toomey Piedmont Hospital
- John D. Toon Georgia Institute of Technology
- Reid Larry Torrance University of Georgia
- Diane Trap University of Georgia Libraries
- Darryl Tricksey University of Georgia
- Grace Trimble Atlanta Regional Commission
- Stanley W. Trimble University of California, Los Angeles
- C. T. Trowell South Georgia College
- Yi-Hsuan Tso National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan
- David Tucker University of Georgia
- Stephen Tuck Pembroke College, Oxford University, England
- Spencer Tunnell Atlanta
- John Turnbull The Global Game
- Ann C. Turner Brewton-Parker College
- Irene Turner Albany Civil Rights Institute
- Jae Turner Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro
- James C. Turner Georgia College and State University
- Julie Turner Georgia Heritage
- Jean O. Turn Clay County Library
- Renna Tuten University of Georgia
- Ashley E. Tyler University of Georgia
- E. Lynn Usery University of Georgia
- Wayne Van Horne Kennesaw State University
- Jessica Rast Van Landuyt Decatur
- Debra Reddin van Tuyll Augusta State University
- Christine Van Voorhies Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division
- Sean H. Vanatta University of Georgia
- John Vanchella Waycross College
- John P. Vanzo Bainbridge College
- Summer Varin University of Georgia
- Elizabete Vasconcelos University of Georgia
- LaKeidra Veal Atlanta
- Peter G. Verity Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
- Sheryl B. Vogt Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies
- Amee Vyas Association County Commissioners of Georgia
- Barbara Ann Wade Berea College, Kentucky
- Gary L. Wade University of Georgia
- Ted Wadley Georgia State University Perimeter College
- Micki Waldrop Kenan Research Center, Atlanta History Center
- Burke Walker Northeast Georgia Regional Commission
- Winston E. Walker Liberty County Records Service Center
- Candace Craig Walton Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School
- Xin Wang University of Georgia
- John Warren Northeastern University School of Law
- Robin O. Warren University of Georgia
- Kaylynn Washnock University of Georgia
- A. J. L. Waskey Dalton State College
- Ann S. Watson Southern Polytechnic State University
- Albert Way University of Georgia
- Dinah Wayne
- Toni Pierce Webb Muscogee County School District
- Carl Solana Weeks Savannah
- Stephen Weeks South University
- Carl Weinberg North Georgia College and State University
- James H. Welborn University of Georgia
- Jane Powers Weldon Calhoun
- Jeffrey Wells Georgia Military College
- Jean W. Westmacott Brenau University
- Mark V. Wetherington The Filson Historical Society
- Dana F. White Emory University
- Gayle C. White Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- John S. Whitehead University of Georgia
- Jaclyn Weldon White Macon
- Marsha S. White Reinhardt College
- Otis White DeKalb County
- Robert John White Georgetown
- Heather L. Whittaker University of Georgia
- Qiana Whitted Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
- Jan Whitt University of Colorado, Boulder
- David N. Wiggins Carrollton
- Gene Wiggins Old Time Music Journal
- Donald E. Wilkes Jr. University of Georgia
- Chris Wilkinson Americus
- Arden Williams Georgia Humanities
- David Williams Valdosta State University
- David S. Williams University of Georgia
- David S. Williams University of Georgia
- Jayne Williams Atlanta
- Kerrie Cotten Williams Auburn Avenue Research Library
- Louis Williams St. Louis Community College, Forest Park, Missouri
- Mark Williams University of Georgia
- Marshall W. Williams Madison
- N. Michelle Williamson Rome
- Philip Lee Williams Watkinsville
- Robin Williams Savannah College of Art and Design
- Lynn Willoughby Columbus
- Andrea Wilson University of Georgia
- Mindy Wilson The Georgia Review
- Renate Wilson Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
- Robert J. Wilson Georgia College and State University
- Samuel Wilson University of Georgia
- J. Davis Winkie Georgia Humanities
- Carlise E. Womack Bainbridge College
- Todd Womack Wiregrass Historical Society
- Betty Wood Girton College, Cambridge, England
- Brad Wood University of Georgia
- Gwen Y. Wood Augusta State University
- M. Jared Wood University of Georgia
- W. Dean Wood Southern Research, Historic Preservation Consultants, Inc.
- Elizabeth Woodward Atlanta History Center
- John E. Worth University of West Florida, Pensacola
- Denise Wright Elberton
- Robert Edward Wyatt Highlands Biological Station
- Aisha Yaqoob University of Georgia
- Kyle York University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Lamar York Atlanta
- Jeffrey Robert Young Georgia State University
- Kevin W. Young University of Georgia
- Dede Yow Kennesaw State University
- Robert Zabawa Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama
- Jamil S. Zainaldin Georgia Humanities
- Anne Marie Zimeri University of Georgia